For healthcare professionals
The British Menopause Society (BMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK.
Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.
Menopause education and resources
Created by health professionals for health professionals
The BMS has developed a comprehensive range of resources and a varied education and training programme for healthcare professionals and others working in the area of post reproductive health.
These are evidence-based, peer reviewed and incorporate recommendations for best practice from both national and international guidelines.
Your educational needs
Our gold-standard education offers everything needed to meet your CPD requirements.
We recognise that your individual educational requirements will be determined by the nature of your clinical role, the numbers and types of patients that you see and the level of responsibility that you assume.
The BMS education programme enables you to find a BMS meeting, course or conference to suit your needs.
Management of the Menopause Certificate
Comprehensive online menopause education to enable HCPs to treat 95% of patients who walk through their door, leaving only the 5% of patients with complex issues to be referred for specialist care
BMS Education Calendar
A full calendar of educational events, including the BMS annual scientific conference, WHC Annual Symposium, CBT for menopause symptoms courses and Menopause Masterclasses
Management of the Menopause handbook, 6th edition
Informed, balanced, objective – the essential handbook for healthcare professionals working in post reproductive health. Paperback. 180 pages with comprehensive references and index
Evidence-based menopause education, developed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals